cikarang- Facebook User that the school still be careful! According to studies conducted by Ohio State University, the more often you use Facebook, the less time you learn and the more buruklah values of your subjects.
Once the written report in a study sample of 219 students taking Ohio State University is. But the report author, said the report only shows the possible relationship between use of Facebook and the decreasing value you get in school.
In fact, if you Facebook users, most likely you always want to know the status of dikabarkan by your friends. Baso bowlful of delight, asyiknya jazz rhythm, photos parties friends near you, and the questions that hope to get a comment because you want to make sure someone in your network are Pertemanan read any posts you are very careful and also tempt the time you foreclose. Finally, you may be triggered to write this is not essential, to read such things, and also do not think the intelligent.
Fortunately that was not reported by Ohio State University researchers. However, 65% mentioned that the students every day to access Facebook at least one time and spent at least an hour on the page. Interestingly, 79% of Facebook users feel that the use does not affect the quality of their work. However, the value of the test is affected.
"This could be like the difference between the value A and B," said Aryn Karpinski, Ohio State researchers who interview 219 students for research.
Source: kompas